AMA Education and Sports Committee tours high schools; assesses challenges

The Education and Sports Sub-Committee of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) has embarked on a two-day working visit to schools within the sub-metros to identify and address the multifaceted challenges impeding academic excellence and sporting development.

The committee comprising the education and sports director of the Assembly as well as Assembly Members toured 15 basic and secondary schools including Saint Mary’s Senior High School, Kaneshie Basic 3 JHS, Kaneshie Awudome 3 JHS, Kaneshie Kingsway Basic School among others.

Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Education and Sports, Hon. Theophilus Isaac Quaye in a brief interview after the tour outlined some of the obstacles hindering academic and sporting achievements in the schools as well as inadequate Ga teachers, limited access to learning materials and lack of sports facilities and equipment.

He emphasised the urgent need to address the challenges indicating that the committee will report the findings and recommendations to the Executive Committee (EXECO)of the Assembly for redress.

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