Franklin Cudjoe alleges EC’s ballot shortfall in Volta is a ‘dangerous ploy’ to rig the poll

Founding President of IMANI Africa, Franklin Cudjoe, has expressed his distrust in the Electoral Commission’s (EC) ability to conduct a free and fair election.

Mr Cudjoe alleged in a Facebook post on Friday, November 29, that the EC’s leadership has been displaying a pattern of behavior that suggests a deliberate attempt to undermine the electoral process.

“I initially thought they were just hopelessly incompetent,” Cudjoe said.

“No. I have come to the conclusion that they deliberately act clownish to test the response of the public and withdraw from an illogical act when the resentment is loud.”

He cited the EC’s recent directive to restrict some media houses from covering the counting of ballots at collation centers as an example of this behavior. The directive was later withdrawn after public outcry.

The IMANI Africa founder also questioned the EC’s announcement of a shortfall in presidential and parliamentary ballot papers for five constituencies in the Volta Region.

“These brazen ‘mistakes’ of shortage of ballots in certain regions is the surreptiously dangerous ploy yet to rig the elections,” he alleged.

The Electoral Commission has, however, invited representatives of all presidential candidates to observe the printing of the additional ballot papers at the premises of Acts Commercials Printing House in Accra.

“Political Parties and Independent Presidential Candidates are to provide two (2) representatives each to observe the printing process on Friday 29th November, 2024 at 10:00 am,” the EC stated.

Despite this effort to ensure transparency, the IMANI Africa boss remains skeptical.

“Be vigilant!” Franklin Cudjoe cautioned Ghanaians.


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