I, sit and cry every day about the morbid horror that has plagued the National Democratic (Autocratic) Congress (NDAC) under the moribund leadership of John Dramani Mahama and Johnson Kwadwo Asiedu-Nketiah.
Where did we go wrong as a party?
Never in the life of the NDC have we been plagued with leadership that is steeped in perfidy, corruption, blatant stealing, and outright bigotry.
Growing up in Burma-Camp in the heady days of, May 15, 1979, June 4, 1979, and December 31, 1981, I know very well the recent history of the Republic of Ghana.
I saw, men and women suffering the brutal brunt of a certain System and how we collectively suffered from a period that did not make us too proud – but was necessary to give us a sense of ourselves.
I have never been a supporter of those who worked to kill the visionary leadership of Kwame Nkrumah so I cannot cavort with that sentiment.
I saw J.J. Rawlings fight for a certain System .
D.F. Annan, Kofi Awoonor, Nana Konadu Agyemang-Rawlings, Kojo Tsikata, Mary Grant, Harry Sawyer, A.A. Munufie, Issifu Ali, J.H. Owusu-Acheampong and co; did they fight for nothing? I wonder how they are feeling in the land yonder as they look back at how their sacred mangrove has been desecrated with stinking shit from those who now claim ownership of the mangrove.
I saw President John Evans Atta-Mills work and die (shedding his blood), to help this country called Ghana.
Today, the NDC has been hijacked by John Dramani Mahama and Johnson Kwadwo Asiedu-Nketiah. They have turned the Revolutionary spirit of the NDC into a, cult worship where, you can’t express an opinion without being harassed and harangued.
They are prepared to kill anyone who has a divergent opinion.
They continue to say “ we have sacked …” from the NDC, as if people applied to join.
I still wake up with memories of my childhood days in Burma-Camp, watching and walking through a certain political landscape of Ghana which John Mahama and Asiedu-Nketiah never saw nor experienced.
I shall forever be loyal to my conscience and what i know about the birth of, PNDC and NDC but I shall NEVER be a slave to John Mahama and Asiedu-Nketiah for them to destroy me and the NDC.
Some of us are going to fight with the help of God to redeem the NDC and Ghana’s political image.
The, greed and self-interest is not what the Revolution stood for, and we shall resist the demonic rule of the oppressors with all our will and might.
I do not support the leadership of John Mahama and Asiedu-Nketiah and I make no qualms about it.
Men/women have shed their blood for Ghana ; some of us shall fight to redeem the Revolution and NDC because we cannot afford to have a One Party democracy because at this rate, the NDC is being killed to allow One Party to dominate.
John Mahama was not part of the NDC at its birth in 1992 so if he is tired and wants to go back to where he came from, he is at liberty to do so.
How can the National Chairman of the NDC, Asiedu-Nketiah, be a Member of the Parliamentary Services Board? How? How? How?
Apart from, conflict of interest issues, this is the zenith of political greed and perfidy and it is shocking that the Council of Elders is condoning such a despicably repugnant act.
We the true sons of PNDC and NDC shall not sit idly by and allow any group of highway robbers and political buccaneers to hijack and destroy our cherished heritage.
“Revo, Revo, Revolution, has a long way to go but has come to stay”.
Aluta Continua 🗡️
To God Almighty be the glory now and forever.
Koku Anyidoho.
Thursday, May 29, 2024.