A new report has revealed that Ghana’s workforce is struggling with meaningful employment opportunities, despite high economic growth over the past decade.
The Ghana Human Development Report 2023 (GNHDR), released by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) and the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC), shows that 75% of the workforce is in the informal sector, with youth unemployment and underemployment remaining a major challenge.
“The findings from the report provide crucial insights into the nexus between work and human development, urging stakeholders to adopt policies that foster inclusive growth and sustainable job creation,” said Prof. Samuel Kobina Annim, Government Statistician.
The report highlights the need for strategic investment in human capital and infrastructure to create a conducive environment for sustainable jobs.
“For Ghana to achieve its long-term development goals and reduce unemployment, it is crucial to invest in both building human capital as well as enhancing access to technology and digital infrastructure for all,” said Angela Lusigi, UNDP Resident Representative in Ghana.
The report also recommends simplifying regulations and providing targeted training to formalize the informal sector, creating more stable job opportunities.
“By investing in infrastructure and promoting entrepreneurship, Ghana can harness the potential of its youth and informal sector, driving socio-economic transformation and job creation,” noted Kodjo Esseim Mensah-Abrampa, Director-General, NDPC.
The report calls for a national consensus on long-term development plans, focusing on job creation, infrastructure investment, and educational reforms.
“By addressing these critical areas, Ghana can pave the way for a future where every citizen enjoys the benefits of decent work and improved living standards,” the report emphasized.