Red carpet, academic gowns: Watch as first cohort of Bawumia kayayei graduate

The inaugural graduation ceremony of the Kayayei Empowerment Programme, which Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia just introduced, was held under a red carpet.

On June 20, 2024, the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (NEIP) event took place in one of the program’s two locations in Accra.

Kofi Ofosu Nkansah, CEO of NEIP, stated that beneficiaries received training in baking, beading, decor, manicures and manicures, soap and detergent manufacturing, and makeup artistry.

“Beneficiaries were also given Financial Management and Business Development skills. We are giving them starter packs and Micro grants to start their own businesses,” he added.

All of the graduates received awards for their exceptional accomplishment during the training program, and they were all properly clothed in academic robes.

Ofosu Nkansah also wrote in a Facebook post about the curriculum being run: The ladies he said were “accommodated for a month (3 weeks for Vocational skills and 1 week for Financial Mgt, BDS and general Life skills)”

“We will train 600 Kayayeis from the two Hostels each month,” he emphasized.

Bawumia opened the center in May of this year.

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