16-year-old girl sets boyfriend’s room ablaze over breakup

A 16-year-old girl has set her boyfriend’s room ablaze at New Nkusukum, a suburb of Mankessim in the Mfantseman Municipality of the Central Region, following a breakup.

According to reports, the suspect (name withheld) went to her boyfriend’s workplace, a cornmill shop, and demanded money, but he told her he had ended their relationship due to her infidelity.

The suspect cried and begged for forgiveness, but her boyfriend, Stephen Agbobli, dragged her out of his workplace.

She later went to his room, used kerosene to set it ablaze, and locked the doors and windows.

The boyfriend was alerted, and residents helped quench the fire, preventing it from spreading to the 22-bedroom house.

The suspect has confirmed the incident and appealed for forgiveness, stating she contributed to purchasing some of the items in the room.

The victim, Stephen Agbobli, expressed shock and regret over the incident, while the Assembly Member for New Nkusukum, Alli Amoah Abubakuri, condemned the act and advised teenagers in relationships to avoid such behavior.

The suspect is assisting police investigations at the Mankessim Police Station after being dragged there by community members.

By: Isaac Dadzie | Metrotvonline.com | Ghana

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