Cocoa district officer in critical condition after robbery attack in Assin Fosu

A brutal robbery attack has left Lucas Osei, a 41-year-old Cocoa District Officer, in critical condition at St. Francis Xavier Hospital.

The incident occurred around 2 am on Thursday at New Habitat, a suburb of Assin Fosu, where four masked robbers attacked Osei in his room, making off with GH¢100,000, two laptops, and two mobile phones.

The robbers, wielding machetes and scissors, left the victim with severe injuries.

Eyewitnesses who spoke to Metro TV said they found him in a pool of blood and rushed him to the hospital for medical treatment.

Police officers, led by Superintendent Kwabena Darkoh, responded promptly to the incident but the suspects escaped before their arrival.

The machete and scissors used in the attack have been recovered as evidence.

The investigation is ongoing, and the community is in shock over the vicious attack.

By: Isaac Dadzie | | Ghana

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