Ghana Union Movement ready to take power in 2024 – Kyiri Abosom

The leader and flagbearer of the Ghana Union Movement (GUM), Rev Christian Kwabena Andrews, has declared that his party is poised to take over power in the 2024 general elections.

Speaking on Metro News, Rev Andrews expressed confidence in GUM’s chances, stating that the party has emerged as a third force in Ghanaian politics after the 2020 elections.

Despite being underestimated and polling minimal votes in the last election, the renowned pastor and politician believes GUM has grown in strength and is now a viable alternative to the dominant New Patriotic Party (NPP) and National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Rev Andrews, popularly known as Osofo Kyiri Abosom, dismissed other new political parties making ‘noise’ as mere “social media parties” with no real impact or solutions for the Ghanaian people.

He urged citizens to break free from the duopoly of NDC and NPP, which he believes has not served the country well, and make GUM a priority.

“Ghanaians should look beyond the NDC and NPP and give GUM a chance to lead the country towards true development and prosperity,” he emphasized.

With a sense of determination, Rev Andrews declared that GUM was ready to take the reins of power and bring about the change that Ghana needed.

By: Dominic Ansah-Prah | | Ghana

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