Indigenous Business Associations demand ownership of GICEL Estate

Members of the Coalition of Indigenous Business Associations (CIBA) have petitioned the government to intervene in a dispute over the ownership of the SCC GICEL Estate in Weija.

The association, comprising tenants of the estate, is demanding that the Social Security National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) release ownership of the estate to them, citing an agreement reached in 2010.

According to CIBA, the agreement stipulated that the association would become owners of the estate after fulfilling all financial obligations, which they claim to have done.

However, SSNIT and its subsidiary, Ghana Industrial and Commercial Estates Limited (GICEL), have allegedly refused to relinquish ownership.

CIBA leaders accuse GICEL of mismanaging the estate, selling lands haphazardly, and increasing rent charges astronomically.

They also claim that SSNIT is attempting to award ownership to a private individual, which they say would breach the agreement and harm the masses.

The association has threatened to take further action if the government fails to address the issue promptly.

In a response, the Manager of GICEL, Hayford Kofi Oduro, denied allegations of unreasonable rent increases, stating that current charges are based on Rent Control Department recommendations and are the lowest for any economic zone.

The issue of ownership and agreements, he said, is for SSNIT to address.

By: Akwasi Addo | | Ghana

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