Majority Leader reshuffles Parliament leadership

In a surprise move, Majority Leader Alexander Afenyo-Markin has announced a shake-up in the majority leadership in Parliament, reassigning Obuasi West MP Kwaku Kwarteng as the Majority Spokesperson/Chairman of the Economy Committee.

Kwarteng, previously Chairman of the Finance Committee, will now lead the newly established Economy Committee, which is a standalone committee with less powers compared to the Finance Committee.

Afenyo-Markin made the announcement on the floor of parliament on Friday, June 28, citing Kwarteng’s ability to effectively confront the opposition on economic matters.

The Majority Leader hinted at additional changes to be announced in the coming days, but for now, Kwarteng’s reassignment is the only change.

According to Afenyo-Markin, the Economy Committee will be one of the most important in the House, and Kwarteng’s appointment is a proactive step to challenge the opposition on economic issues.

The move is seen as a strategic decision to strengthen the majority’s position on economic matters, as the Economy Committee is expected to play a crucial role in shaping the country’s economic policies.

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