NDC supporters hit streets to protest withdrawal of Assin Central PC

Aggrieved members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Assin Central Constituency of the Central Region have taken to the streets to protest the party’s decision to withdraw the candidacy of Nurein Shaibu Migyimah.

The protesters, made up of supporters and members of the party, are unhappy with the decision, which they believe will hurt the party’s chances in this year’s elections.

They are demanding a reversal of the decision and have petitioned the national executives of the NDC to intervene.

The Central Regional Functional Executive Committee of the NDC had announced the withdrawal of Migyimah’s candidacy and suspended his party membership for six months, citing immoral practices and anti-party conduct.

However, the supporters claim the decision was unlawful and targeted at destroying the party.

According to the supporters, Migyimah stands a higher chance of winning this year’s elections, given his performance in the previous elections, where he polled 14,747 votes, representing 42.74% of the total valid votes.

They believe the introduction of a fresh candidate by the NPP, Godfred Anewu, following Kennedy Agyapong’s retirement, makes Migyimah’s chances even better.

The national executives of the NDC have also described the decision as unlawful, citing contravention of articles 40, 41, 46, and 48 of the party’s constitution.

The General Secretary, Fiifi Kwetey, has invited the regional executives to face the national FEC.

The protest is ongoing, with supporters vowing to continue until the decision is reversed.

By: Akwasi Addo | Metrotvonline.com | Ghana

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