NPA’s LPG price hike is a threat to Ghana’s climate change agenda – CEMSE

The National Petroleum Authority’s (NPA) recent introduction of a US$80/MT fee on Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) has been criticized as a threat to Ghana’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions and achieve its climate change targets.

The fee, which has led to a surge in LPG prices, is seen as a disincentive for vehicle owners to switch to the cleaner and safer fuel, undermining Ghana’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15% in the transport sector.

Environmental activists and industry players have expressed concern that the price hike will lead to an increase in the use of dirty fuels, perpetuating air pollution and negative health impacts.

The development has also raised questions about the government’s commitment to promoting clean energy and reducing Ghana’s carbon footprint.

The NPA’s decision has been described as a “step backwards” in Ghana’s efforts to achieve its climate change goals, and calls are being made for an urgent review of the policy to ensure that Ghana remains on track to meet its NDCs.

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