Sunyani Queen Mother calls for peaceful elections

Paramount Queen Mother of Sunyani, Nana Akosua Duah Asor Brayei II, has appealed to politicians and Ghanaians to ensure peaceful elections in 2024.

In an interview with Metro TV, she urged political parties to prioritize unity and love, tolerating individual differences.

She emphasized that God chooses leaders and advised against vote-buying.

The Queen Mother, who celebrated her birthday anniversary on June 21, thanked God and the people of Sunyani for their support.

She highlighted her initiatives, including the “Ohemaa Aprapra” clean-up exercise, and expressed concern about the rising HIV/AIDS prevalence, urging youth to avoid prostitution.

The Sunyani Municipal Chief Executive, Mr. Ansu Kumi, presented a hamper to the Queen Mother, praising her dynamism and leadership.

He commended her environmental cleanup efforts, which contributed to the establishment of the integrated West Recycling and Compost Plant.

The Queen Mother was presented with a plaque featuring an elephant head, symbolizing the traditional area’s strength. The assembly and people of Sunyani wished her long life and grace on her throne.

By: Magyina Kwasi | | Ghana

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