There will be a peaceful revolution at the polls on Dec 7 – NDC’s Louisa Kwakye

A member of the National Democratic Congress’ communications team, Louisa Kwakye, has assured that Ghanaian youth will not resort to violence but will continue to express their discontent through peaceful means, including voting for accountability in the December 7th elections.

Speaking on Good Morning Ghana on Metro TV, Louisa Kwakye responded to Dr. Palgrave Boakye Danquah’s caution against violent protests, emphasizing that Ghanaians will utilize democratic channels to advocate for their needs.

“We will not use the violent approach, but we will continue to register our displeasure. We will vote for accountability on December 7th, as a woman whose menstruation is being taxed, as a kid who stayed home for 3 months without access to a teacher. We will vote for the second freedom of Ghana,” she said.

Madan Kwakye criticized government spokespersons for discouraging demonstrations, pointing out that Ghanaians have surpassed the indicators that led to protests in Kenya.

“It is surprising that some government spokespersons want to put ideas in the mind of the ordinary Ghanaian, telling them not to demonstrate and the likes, but we are forgetting that whatever indicators that are in Kenya, that they are on the streets demonstrating about, Ghanaians have passed that line,” she added.

By: Vanessa Edotom Boateng | Metrotvonline.xom | Ghana

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