Aduananu Assemblies of God Church members demonstrate against leadership

Members of the Abundant Life Assemblies of God Church at Bohyen-Adumanu in the Kumasi Metropolis of the Ashanti Region have staged a demonstration against their leadership over the transfer of their pastor whose only name given as Bismark.

The demonstration, which disrupted church service last Sunday, was sparked by the members’ discontent with the regional leadership’s decision to transfer Pastor Bismark, who they claim has been a beloved and effective leader.

According to Mr. Isaac Bonzy Arthur, a member of the church, the members are unhappy with the transfer, which they say was done without their input or consent.

“We are telling our leadership that we want Pastor Bismark back, and if not, we don’t want any other pastor,” he said.

Other members of the church also expressed their support for Pastor Bismark, saying that he has been a dedicated and hardworking leader who has earned their respect and admiration.

“We were shocked and disappointed when we learned that Pastor Bismark was being transferred. He has been a great leader and we don’t want to lose him,” said another member, who preferred anonymity.

The members are accusing the regional leadership of ignoring their concerns and imposing a new pastor on them, which they say is unacceptable.

The demonstration is the latest in a series of disagreements between the church members and the regional leadership, which has been accused of making decisions without consulting the members.

It is not clear yet how the leadership of the church will respond to the demonstration, but the members say they will continue to protest until their demands are met.

In a related development, some members of the church have threatened to boycott church services until their demands are met.

The situation remains tense, with the members calling on the national leadership of the church to intervene and resolve the matter.

Metro TV reached out to the Assemblies of God Church Ghana for comment.

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