Keta MP petitions Interior Ministry over death of constituent in police custody

The Member of Parliament for Keta Constituency, Kwame Dzudzorli Gakpey has on behalf of the Keta community, petitioned the Interior Ministry over the demise of one Mr. Jerry Kpesenu while in police custody at the Keta Divisional Headquarters

Mr. Kpesenu, a well-known landlord in Keta, was reportedly involved in a dispute with his tenants over the installation of an air conditioner. Police officers were called to resolve the issue but allegedly resorted to intimidation and physical assault, using electrical cables to beat Kpesenu.

He was then arrested and detained at the Keta Police Station, where he died under suspicious circumstances on June 6, 2024.

The community is outraged, believing Kpesenu’s death resulted from police brutality.

The petition demands a full investigation into the incident, an independent autopsy to determine the cause of death, disciplinary and criminal proceedings against the responsible officers, and their immediate suspension to ensure an unbiased investigation.

The Keta community, both local and abroad, is calling for swift and decisive action from the Ministry to ensure justice for Jerry Kpesenu and to restore their faith in law enforcement.

The petition highlights the urgent need for accountability and justice to prevent future incidents.

Click here to read the full Keta MP’s petition to the Interior Ministry

By: Sandra Tetteh | | Ghana

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