kitchen workers at FRANSTECH protest over poor conditions

Kitchen workers at St. Francis Secondary Technical School (FRANSTECH) in Akyem Oda, in the Birim Central Municipal Assembly of the Eastern Region, have protested against the school management over poor kitchen and working conditions.

The workers, who spoke to the Metro TV, expressed frustration over the management’s failure to address their concerns, which they have been reporting for over three years.

They cited leaky roofing sheets, theft of tools and equipment, lack of light and gas, and inadequate utensils as some of the challenges they face.

“We have been suffering for too long, and our complaints have fallen on deaf ears,” one of the workers said.

“We appeal to the Member of Parliament and the Municipal Chief Executive to intervene and address our plight,” another added.

The workers also revealed that they are struggling to serve over 1,000 students with only 90 utensils, compared to the over 2,000 they had previously.

When contacted, the Assistant Headmaster, Mr. Augustine Gyan, refused to comment on the matter, demanding to know the source of the information.

The Acting Headmistress, Mrs. Esther Quaye Sowah, also declined to comment, insisting that Metro TV disclose its source before she would speak on the issue.

By: Kofi Adjei | | Ghana

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