Volta Basin Countries Unite to Strengthen Communication and Combat Environmental Degradation

Six countries forming the Volta Basin have resolved to strengthen their communication plan and strategy, marking a crucial step towards reversing the degradation of ecosystems and water resources in the region.

The secretariat of the Volta Basin Authority (VBA), alongside key partners, convened in Accra to develop and validate a comprehensive communication strategy for 2024-2030, emphasizing the critical role of modern communication technologies.

A central theme of the new communication plan is leveraging digital tools to enhance visibility and stakeholder engagement. The VBA aims to utilize social media, mobile apps, and data analytics to provide real-time updates and foster community involvement.

Executive Director of the Volta Basin Authority, Alfred Dibi Millogo, underscored the urgency of reversing the degradation of water resources, soil, and biodiversity. He noted that harnessing digital platforms will not only amplify the VBA’s message but also engage the younger generation in conservation efforts.

“The degradation of our ecosystems and water resources is a pressing issue that requires immediate and innovative action,” said Millogo. “By leveraging digital tools, we can reach a broader audience and inspire a new generation of environmental stewards.”

The role of journalists and media outlets was highlighted as essential for the VBA’s reinforced visibility. The meeting also featured contributions from the Global Water Partnership – West Africa (GWP-AO). Executive Secretary Armand Houanye emphasized the importance of actionable communication strategies.

“We must think together to seize opportunities at both international and local levels. Implementing these strategies effectively will require robust collaboration,” said Houanye.

Deputy Focal Person for Ghana’s focal institution, the Water Resources Commission, Dr. Eric Muala, expressed optimism about the new strategy.

“This offers an opportunity for Ghana to learn how to communicate and find ways to promote what happens in the Volta Basin to get the necessary help if needed,” said Dr. Muala.

Strengthening Local Engagement

The VBA’s new strategy also focuses on grassroots engagement. By empowering local communities with information and resources, the VBA aims to foster a culture of sustainability. Workshops, educational programs, and interactive platforms will be deployed to ensure that residents of the Volta Basin are active participants in the conservation efforts.

“Empowering local communities is at the heart of our strategy,” said Millogo. “We want to ensure that every resident of the Volta Basin is informed, involved, and invested in the conservation of their environment.”

Future Prospects and International Positioning

As the VBA enters this new era, it seeks to position itself as a leader in environmental conservation on the global stage. The Accra workshop marks a pivotal step in this journey, setting the foundation for a decade-long plan that integrates cutting-edge communication strategies with on-the-ground action.


In conclusion, the VBA’s commitment to leveraging technology and strengthening communication underscores its dedication to reversing ecological degradation and promoting sustainable development. The initiatives set forth in Accra signify a transformative period for the Volta Basin Authority and its stakeholders.

“The road ahead is challenging, but with our new communication strategy, we are equipped to make a significant impact,” concluded Millogo. “Together, we can secure a sustainable future for the Volta Basin.”

By Samuel Asamoah

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