Deputy Minister Vincent Ekow Assafuah Closes Urban Mobility Forum on Behalf of Sector Minister

Hon. Vincent Ekow Assafuah, Deputy Minister for Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development, delivered closing remarks at the Ghana Urban Mobility Forum held at the Alisa Hotel, North Ridge, Accra.

Speaking on behalf of Hon. Martin Adjei-Mensah Korsah, the sector Minister, Mr. Assafuah praised participants for their contributions to the forum’s theme, “Prioritising Sustainable Urban Mobility and Accessibility in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area” (GAMA).

Mr. Assafuah acknowledged the significant achievements of the Ghana Urban Mobility and Accessibility Project (GUMAP), funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). Over the past eight years, GUMAP has made notable strides in improving urban mobility in GAMA through institutional development, capacity-building, data collection, and small-scale projects.

He emphasized the necessity of an integrated approach to urban mobility that includes both infrastructure and governance. He called for ongoing collaboration among stakeholders, the integration of end-user insights, and efforts to attract investments to support GAMA’s Urban Mobility Vision and Strategy.

Reaffirming the Ministry’s commitment to implementing the recommendations from GUMAP and the forum, Mr. Assafuah also appealed for a second phase of GUMAP to continue addressing urban mobility challenges in Ghana.

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