Health Ministry constitutes committee to investigate abandoned patient case

The Ministry of Health has set up a committee to investigate the alleged abandonment of a patient in a bush at Gomoa Ojobi by the Trauma and Specialist Hospital in Winneba.

According to a statement signed by the Director-General of the Ghana Health Service, Dr. Patrick Kuma-Aboagye, the committee will conduct an independent enquiry into the matter to ensure appropriate action is taken.

“The Service wishes to assure your good office that appropriate action will be taken at the end of the enquiry to ensure that any persons connected with the unfortunate incident are brought to book,” the statement said.

The committee, which includes representatives from the Ghana Health Service, the Ministry of Health, and the Social Welfare Department, has been tasked with establishing the identity of the patient, the events leading to their admission and discharge, and identifying gaps in the hospital’s processes.

The Medical Director of the hospital has been temporarily relieved of his post pending the outcome of the investigation.

“We want to ensure credibility and unfettered access to all relevant information,” the statement explained.

The committee is expected to submit its report soon, and the Ministry has assured that appropriate action will be taken to address any wrongdoing.

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