IMANI’s Pulse Report: NDC gains ground in online campaigning, despite NPP’s sentiment lead

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has taken a significant lead in social media engagement, leaving the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) behind, according to a recent report by IMANI.

The report, which analyzed social media data from April 21 to May 17, 2024, found that the NDC has gained a significant edge in terms of social media engagement, with its content generating more likes, shares, and comments than the NPP.

The NDC’s social media strategy has been highly effective, with the party’s messages resonating with Ghanaians online.

The report noted that the NDC’s ability to leverage trending topics and use social media influencers has paid off, and they continue to gain traction online.

“The NDC has taken a significant lead in social media engagement, and it’s clear that their strategy is working,” Franklin Cudjoe, President of IMANI said.

“The ruling party needs to step up its game if it wants to remain competitive in the online space.”

This development could have significant implications for the 2024 elections, as social media becomes an increasingly important platform for political campaigns and public engagement.

The NPP will need to reassess its social media strategy if it hopes to close the gap with the NDC ahead of the 2024 elections.

Meanwhile, the NPP still leads in positive sentiment although the governing party’s positive sentiment fell marginally to 15.17%.

On the other hand, the NDC’s positive sentiment rose by 3 percentage points to 14.56%.

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