Medical supplies at port will be cleared within two weeks — Health Minister

The Health Minister, Dr. Bernard Okoe-Boye, has given a two-week deadline for the clearance of medical supplies stuck at the port, warning that he will personally ensure consequences for the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) boss, Finance Minister, and his deputy if the supplies are not cleared by June 30.

Speaking on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana on Thursday, June 13, Dr. Okoe-Boye expressed frustration and disappointment at the delay, which has left donated medical supplies from the Global Fund languishing at the port for over a year.

“It’s unconscionable that drugs meant for our people have been left at the port for a year. We could have done way better than that,” he said.

The Health Minister assured that he will not tolerate any excuses and has given himself and the state a two-week ultimatum to clear the containers.

“If in a week or two, any of these containers are still left at the port, I will personally go and join the staff at the port. We will make sure that they understand the gravity of the situation,” he warned.

This strong stance comes as a response to growing criticism and concern over the delay in clearing the medical supplies, which has raised questions about the government’s commitment to the health and well-being of its citizens.

By: Vanessa Edotom Boateng | | Ghana

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