NIA staff petition Akufo-Addo to remove Ken Attatuah as Executive Secretary

Staff of the National Identification Authority (NIA) have petitioned President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to remove Professor Kenneth Agyemang Attafuah as Executive Secretary of the Authority.

The staff, numbering over 920, signed the petition submitted to the Presidency on July 1, 2024. They cited unfair labor practices, violations of the SSNIT Act, poor corporate governance structure, selective and administrative injustice in recruitment, placement, and promotion of staff, and lack of innovative ideas to manage the Authority as reasons for their request.

According to the staff, Professor Attafuah’s leadership has resulted in unfair dismissal of staff, interdiction of staff beyond three months, and non-payment of acting allowances. They also alleged that he has failed to work on conditions of service for staff since assuming office in 2017.

The staff further accused Professor Attafuah of violating the SSNIT Act by failing to pay SSNIT contributions of contract staff for a period.

They also criticized the lack of technical directors in most directorates, which has led to operational challenges and industrial disharmony.

The staff urged the President to remove Professor Attafuah from office to restore confidence among staff and reignite the reputation of the Authority.

The petition was copied to the Chief of Staff, the Vice President, the Minister of Interior, the Minister of National Security, the Minister of Employment, the Secretary-General of the Trades Union Congress, and the Governing Board Chairman of NIA.

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