Six arrested over deadly stabbing of Okada rider at funeral in Ga South

Six persons have been arrested in connection with the death of a 20-year-old Okada rider, Sampson Eka, who was stabbed at a funeral in Ballagonor near Tebu in the Ga South Municipality of the Greater Accra Region.

According to police, the suspects attacked the deceased with a sharp object after a brief confrontation on Saturday evening.

The victim’s friends rushed him to a nearby hospital, where he was later transferred to the Mother and Child Hospital in Kasoa, but succumbed to his injuries.

Family members are devastated and have called on the police to conduct thorough investigations to ensure justice is served. “We want the police to investigate this matter thoroughly and bring the perpetrators to book,” said Francis Ayikpa, family spokesperson.

The Weija Divisional Police Command has arrested six persons, including the main suspect, and are assisting in investigations.

However, residents are concerned about the increasing rate of crime in the area, with two persons losing their lives in the past 72 hours.

Assemblyman for the Danchira Electoral Area, Ebenezer Ahotor, is urging the Ghana Police Service to beef up its operations in the area.

“We need more policemen, patrol vehicles, and a police post in Tebu to combat criminal activities,” he said.

The police have identified a hideout harboring suspected criminals but lack adequate resources to combat them effectively.

The community is calling for urgent action to address the rising crime rate.

By: Akwasi Addo | | Ghana

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