SSNIT hotels sale: NDC’s ‘state capture’ claims false – Saka Salia

A member of the Communications Team of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Saka Salia, has brushed off allegations leveled against his party by the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

According to him, the governing party is not amassing state assets as the main opposition party describes as “state capture” and want Ghanaians to believe.

Saka, speaking on Adwene Pa on Original TV hosted by Kwaku Owusu Adjei (Pato) on Thursday, asserted that the NDC and its collaborators are responsible for purchasing most of the state assets they claim are being sold.

“Perpetrators have now turned themselves into victims,” emphasizing that the NDC’s accusations are based on false premises.

His comments come amidst protest against the sale of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust’s (SSNIT) 60% stake in four hotels to Rock City Hotel Limited owned by Agriculture Minister, Bryan Acheampong.

Saka Salia clarified that the sale of state assets is not as simplistic as the opposition would have Ghanaians believe.

Contrary to claims that hotels are being sold to Bryan Acheampong, Saka said the ‘reality’ is that the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) is divesting 60% of its stake in Rock City. This partial sale, he emphasized, does not constitute a complete divestment of SSNIT’s properties, but rather a strategic decision to optimize its holdings.

Salia also highlighted the fact that SSNIT contributors have not benefited from the hotels in question, making the opposition’s cries of foul play ring hollow.

He criticized the recent demonstration, suggesting that many participants were misled and unaware of the facts.

Salia pointed out that the buying and selling of SSNIT properties is not a new phenomenon, having occurred during the NDC’s tenure as well.

He accused the opposition of politicizing the issue to misinform the public and stoke unnecessary fear and outrage.

By: Nancy Oye Tanihu | | Ghana

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