kitchen workers at FRANSTECH protest over poor conditions

kitchen workers at FRANSTECH protest over poor conditions

Kitchen workers at St. Francis Secondary Technical School (FRANSTECH) in Akyem Oda, in the Birim Central Municipal Assembly of the Eastern Region, have protested against the school management over poor kitchen and working conditions. The

Fuel prices go up again

Fuel prices go up again

Fuel prices have increased, with oil marketing companies blaming the rise on a directive from the National Petroleum Authority (NPA) to increase the Unified Petroleum Price Fund (UPPF) margin. Shell is selling a litre of

NHIA’s decision on dialysis costs unsustainable – Akandoh

NHIA’s decision on dialysis costs unsustainable – Akandoh

Ranking Member on the Health Committee of Parliament, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, says the National Health Insurance Authority's (NHIA) decision to absorb the cost of dialysis for patients is a knee-jerk action that the government will

Building for the Future : Developing Infrastructure for the Integrated Aluminum Industry

Building for the Future : Developing Infrastructure for the Integrated Aluminum Industry

The global aluminium industry is poised for remarkable growth and transformation in the coming decades. With applications ranging from aerospace and automotive to construction and packaging, aluminium is an indispensable material in modern society. Ghana,

Two female students top in IMANI’s University Essay Competition

Two female students top in IMANI’s University Essay Competition

Two female students from the University of Ghana, and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), topped in this year's IMANI Africa's nationwide university essay competition. The competition which invited students from all universities

Eight ‘land guards’ prosecuted for attacking police officer at Ofaakor

Eight ‘land guards’ prosecuted for attacking police officer at Ofaakor

Eight suspected land guards who attacked and injured a police officer at Jamaica City, a suburb of Ofaakor, are facing prosecution. The suspects, including Jeff Armah Ametefio, Joshua Asare, Jonathan Paddy, Nii Adotey, Adam Issak,

CETAG declares strike over unpaid allowances

CETAG declares strike over unpaid allowances

The Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) has embarked on an indefinite strike due to the non-payment of outstanding arrears of allowances owed to its members. In a statement available to Metro TV,

AMA teams up with Sanitation Ghana to clean Agbogbloshie Market

AMA teams up with Sanitation Ghana to clean Agbogbloshie Market

The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), in collaboration with Sanitation Ghana, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) has organised a massive clean-up exercise and desilting works at the Agbogbloshie Market. The primary goal of the exercise, which commenced

Vice President Bawumia engages with religious leaders in the Central Region

Vice President Bawumia engages with religious leaders in the Central Region

The Vice President of the Republic and Flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), H.E. Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, has on Monday June 3, 2024, continued his ongoing nationwide community outreach in the Central Region.

STC workers protest appointment of Third Deputy MD

STC workers protest appointment of Third Deputy MD

Workers of the State Transport Corporation (STC) are protesting the appointment of a third deputy managing director, describing it as a waste of public funds. In a petition to the Board Chairman, the workers argued