Cancer Treatment in Limbo: Korle Bu’s sole machine breaks down, leaving patients stranded

A looming health crisis has hit Ghana’s healthcare system as the sole cancer treatment machine at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital has broken down, leaving scores of patients in limbo.

The machine’s failure has disrupted the treatment of numerous patients, including Sandra, a breast cancer patient who was referred from the University of Ghana Medical Centre (UGMC).

Sandra, who has been undergoing treatment for two years, expressed her frustration and concern about the machine’s unreliability.

“I was scheduled to start my radiation therapy, but the machine broke down again. I’ve only completed two sessions, and I’m worried about the effectiveness of my treatment,” she said.

Professor Joel Yarney, Head of the Oncology Department at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, confirmed the situation, stating that the hospital is struggling to cope with the increasing number of cancer cases.

“We’re seeing up to 60 cases per day, putting pressure on the single machine, which is prone to breakdowns,” he told JoyNews.

The cost of repairing and maintaining the machine is high, further complicating the issue. Ghana has only two cancer treatment machines, one at Korle Bu and the other at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Kumasi, which is also facing challenges.

The situation has left patients and oncologists frustrated, with concerns about the impact on treatment outcomes.

The hospital is working to repair the machine, but patients remain stranded, hoping for a swift resolution to this healthcare crisis.

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