Metro TV’s Eugenia Akorfa Kumi among 30 journalists selected for 2023 CCMP Fellowship in Dubai

Metro TV’s Eugenia Akorfa Kumi has been selected as one of 30 fellows for this year’s Climate Change Media Partnership Fellowship (CCMP).

She joins journalists from low and middle-income countries to cover the 28th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28), in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from 30th November to 12th December.

The fellowship, facilitated by Internews’ Earth Journalism Network and the Stanley Center for Peace and Security has been ongoing since 2007, and equips journalists with a deeper understanding of climate issues and aims to enhance media coverage on climate change, especially in regions facing critical impacts. With nearly 600 applications, Eugenia stood out as the sole Ghanaian selected after a rigorous review process.

Expressing her excitement, she highlighted the significance of contributing to Ghana’s climate discourse by shedding light on crucial matters.

“I’m so thrilled by the opportunity. This is my second time of applying and this time I go in. It’s really a dream come true. I deem this a rare opportunity to shed light on and contribute to the climate change discussions in Ghana by highlighting the key issues,” she said in an interview.

While 20 fellows will be on-site in Dubai 10 of them will cover it remotely from their home countries.

The fellows covering COP28 in Dubai will participate in orientation activities, daily briefings, interviews with high-level officials, and other interactions organized by the Stanley Center and EJN to inform and facilitate quality reporting on developments and outcomes at COP28.

COP28 marks an important event, hosting the first-ever Global Stocktake since the Paris Agreement, evaluating countries’ progress on climate mitigation, adaptation, and fair implementation.

James Fahn, EJN’s Executive Director, expressed enthusiasm for supporting this talented cohort of journalists, given the heightened interest in COP among the media.

“Interest in the COP is greater than ever among the media, as demonstrated by the record number of CCMP applications we received, so we’re pleased to be able to support this talented group of journalists,” he said.

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