Residents of Bremen Kuntanasi decry economic hardship

Some residents of Bremen Kuntanasi in the Asikuma Odobeng Brakwa district have expressed concern over the economic challenges facing the community.

Adjoa Esun, a married woman with four children, said the economic situation is dire, forcing some women to become head porters, while some youth have become recalcitrant due to unemployment.

Ama Beduah shared similar concerns, appealing for employment opportunities for the youth to reduce deviant behavior.

Brother Abass, a drinking bar operator, noted that the community has fertile land attractive to investors but lacks a police post, making it difficult to secure investments.

He also highlighted the community’s natural tourist attractions, which remain untapped due to lack of knowledge.

Emmanuel Kojo Nkrumah Assan, a philanthropist and native of the community, has established a school, donated poly tanks, and mechanized boreholes to improve access to potable water.

He appealed to the government and chiefs to help develop the Obotan (Sacred Rock) as a tourist site.

Ghana has been grappling with economic hardship in recent times, characterized by high inflation, currency fluctuations, and widespread unemployment.

The country’s economic challenges have resulted in increased cost of living, reduced purchasing power, and a decline in the standard of living for many Ghanaians.

By: Isaac Dadzie | | Ghana

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